Metropolitan Police special constable dismissed following conviction for theft offences

Source: United Kingdom London Metropolitan Police

A Metropolitan Police special constable has been dismissed following his conviction for theft offences.

MSC Toby Biginton, attached to South East Command Unit, was previously found guilty of six counts of theft by employee and two counts of possession of an offensive weapon in a private place.

At an accelerated misconduct hearing concluding on Thursday, 16 November, he was dismissed after it was found that his actions breached the standards of professional behaviour relating to discreditable conduct at the level of gross misconduct.

During a search of his home in 2021, three police batons were found within his property. He claimed this was due to his police role.

Chief Superintendent Trevor Lawry, in charge of policing on South East Command Unit, said: “There is no legitimate reason as to why MSC Biginton had these items at his home address and it right that he has now faced the consequences of his actions.

“We expect the highest standards from all of our employees, including our special constables who have the same powers as police officers.

“We will not tolerate this type of behaviour and we are pleased that a thorough investigation brought his actions to light.”

Following his conviction, MSC Biginton will be sentenced on a date to be set.