Response to video shared by the Telegraph, Attiq Malik’s role on the London Muslim Communities Forum

Source: United Kingdom London Metropolitan Police

The video shared by the Telegraph today has brought to our attention that the chair of the London Muslim Communities Forum has expressed views in a way which does not align to the Met’s values.

We regularly engage with a whole range of community groups, many of which hold strongly opposing views. It is important that we continue to listen to opposing views. This is how we put community voices at the heart of policing London.

This instance has highlighted past language and views expressed by Attiq Malik that appear anti-Semitic and contrary with our values. As a result we will be immediately ceasing our relationship with Mr Malik whilst we investigate.

We will continue to engage with the LMCF and the full range of faith and community advisers. The insights, feedback and reach into communities across London continues to play an important role in our response.

We are already working on a new advisory group ‘charter’ that will include a shared commitment to engage through mutual respect and inclusivity.