Edmonton — Alberta RCMP Encourages Everyone to Familiarize Themselves with Traffic Safety Rules

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Edmonton, AB – As we transition into Autumn, our days are getting shorter and so are our hours of visibility. Alberta RCMP reminds all road users that traffic safety is a shared responsibility between motorists and pedestrians.

It is important to know who has the right of way and understand traffic safety whether you’re a motorist or a pedestrian trying to cross safely.

Some tips to follow:


  • Stay on sidewalks whenever possible. If a sidewalk is not available, walk on the far side of the road facing traffic – this will help increase your visibility to drivers.
  • Only cross at marked or unmarked crosswalks. Avoid stepping out into the street from between two parked vehicles and do not jaywalk.
  • Make sure drivers can see you. Making eye contact with drivers ensures they see you and know your intent to cross the street. You may also signal your intent by extending your arm and pointing in the direction you wish to proceed.
  • Limit distractions. Wearing headphones or texting while walking makes you less alert to your surroundings. Keep your ears and eyes open.


  • Know who has the right of way. You must yield to pedestrians, at both marked and unmarked crosswalks
  • Turn on your lights. Working headlights are required of all drivers in order to see pedestrians, cyclists, and wildlife on the road. ensure your lights are on, clean, and properly operating.
  • Proceed Safely. If you are approaching flashing crosswalk lights, or see a pedestrian signalling to cross, come to a complete stop. Look both ways to ensure pedestrians have cleared the crosswalk before proceeding.
  • Stay alert. Do not drive distracted. It causes you to become less aware of others on the road, and approaching vehicles or pedestrians.

For more traffic safety information, follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.