Edmonton — Alberta RCMP participate in #OperationImpact2023 safety campaign this Thanksgiving weekend

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

This Thanksgiving weekend, the Alberta RCMP will be participating in the annual Operation Impact traffic safety campaign. Operation Impact is a national public awareness campaign aimed at making Canada’s roads safe. By promoting safe driving behaviours, the participants of Operation Impact hope to help prevent collisions, save lives, and reduce injuries on Canada’s roads. This year’s campaign theme emphasizes the accountability and the role each driver has to play to support traffic safety on the streets and highways in their community.

The Alberta RCMP remind Albertans of the following tips to be responsible drivers this long weekend:

  • Don’t drive impaired. Always make sure you have a designated driver or a safe place to stay if you are going to be partaking in drugs or alcohol.
  • Don’t drive distracted. Before you start a trip set the destination on your GPS, make sure any children are properly secure, and put away any electronics that may be distracting. If you do need to make a call or send a text message, make sure that you pull over and park in a safe location first.
  • Be mindful of conditions. October is a season of change in Alberta bringing shorter days and unpredictable weather. Always make sure you are driving to conditions
  • Take 0% risk 100% of the time. Never take unnecessary risks while driving. Wearing a seatbelt, driving the speed limit, and following the rules of the road are simple things you can do to stay safe while driving.

“Over the past few months, we’ve seen multiple collisions resulting in fatalities,” said Insp. Chris Romanchych, Alberta RCMP Traffic. “The goal of Operation Impact is to help ensure we avoid future tragedies, but we can’t do it without Albertans help. This Thanksgiving, make responsible choices when it comes to traffic safety. Slow down, wear your seatbelt, and get home safe.”

The Alberta RCMP are thankful for the opportunity to serve Albertans every day and wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday.

For more traffic safety information, please follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.