Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Tomorrow marks the beginning of Operation Impact 2023, a national public awareness campaign aimed at making Canada’s roads the safest in the world. PEI RCMP are actively taking part in this campaign, along with our policing partners across Prince Edward Island. By promoting safe driving behaviours, we hope to help prevent collisions, save lives, and reduce injuries on our roads.
From October 6th to 9th, 2023, police across the country will be focused on behaviours that put drivers, passengers and other road users at risk: impaired driving due to alcohol, drugs or fatigue, as well as aggressive driving, distracted driving, and driving without a seat belt.
This year’s campaign theme emphasizes the accountability and the role each driver has to play to support traffic safety on the streets and highways in their community.
“Everyone who drives a motor vehicle on Island roads can make a real impact improving road safety,” said Constable Jamie Parsons, of the RCMP Provincial Priority Unit. “Driving aware, paying attention to the road, and buckling up are three easy ways we call all make Island roads safer,” added Constable Parsons.
Motor vehicle collisions kill about 2,000 Canadians, seriously injure another 10,000 people and injure about 165,000 citizens in this country each year according to Transport Canada.
It is not a coincidence that the timing of this campaign to achieve safer streets and highways takes place during this long weekend. More people are travelling, and collisions are therefore more frequent.