NATO Deputy Secretary General: democracies should stand united to defend the multilateral global order

Source: NATO

Speaking at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies’ (FEPS) Annual Autumn Academy on Wednesday (20 September 2023), Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană emphasised the importance of defending democratic values against challenges to the rules-based international order.

Mr Geoană spoke at a dedicated session on ‘Building a Sustainable and Multilateral Global Order’. He warned that authoritarian regimes are openly challenging democratic systems and promoting alternative models of governance. The Deputy Secretary General stressed the need to cooperate with like-minded actors around the world and stand together against threats to democracy. He emphasised the importance of ensuring resilient supply chains and avoiding interdependencies which allow authoritarian actors opportunities to exploit open societies. NATO is playing its part in defending democracy by providing military, economic and humanitarian support to Ukraine as an essential pillar of a multilateral global order, Mr Geoană said. Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and independence, and NATO is committed to supporting Ukraine for as long as it takes.

FEPS is a think tank of the progressive political family at European Union (EU) level. The Annual Autumn Academy brings together around 40 participants each year, chosen from among the most promising elected young politicians from across the EU.