Officer given final written warning

Source: United Kingdom London Metropolitan Police

Headline: Officer given final written warning

A police constable has received a final written warning after being found guilty of gross misconduct. 

PC Kehinde Meshe, based within the Transformation Directorate, attended a public misconduct hearing to answer allegations that his conduct amounted to a breach of the Met’s standards of professional behaviour in respect of use of force, authority, respect and courtesy and discreditable conduct.

It was alleged that on 29 April 2015 at approximately 11:00hrs, while on duty as a Safer Schools officer in Lambeth, PC Meshe’s use of force towards a student was unnecessary, disproportionate and unreasonable.

The panel heard he took hold of a 14-year-old pupil’s arm at a school in Blackfriars when the boy refused to stop taking part in a playground game in what PC Meshe considered to be a reckless and disruptive manner.

There was an altercation during which PC Meshe pushed the boy against a wall and kneed him in the stomach. The pupil hit PC Meshe in the face and the officer punched him back.

The incident was broken up by school staff.

Having considered all the evidence, the panel, led by an independent chair, concluded that PC Meshe had acted without self-control and his use of force was wrong.

They accepted his previous good character and that this was an isolated lapse of judgement.

They found gross misconduct proven and issued a final written warning.