Director General’s Remarks at Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

Headline: Director General’s Remarks at Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education

(As prepared for delivery)

Thank you, Mr Minister.

I am very pleased to be with you all today at the start of my third visit to your country.

The IAEA greatly values our cooperation with Indonesia.

We have worked with you for six decades to make nuclear science and technology available to assist you in meeting your development goals.

I am pleased that Ambassador Djumala is Chairman of the IAEA Board of Governors this year. I know the Agency’s business is in good hands.

Indonesia is an advanced user of nuclear technology in many areas and shares its expertise with other countries.

We are grateful for your active support for IAEA technical cooperation projects – in Papua New Guinea, for example – and through the international network of veterinary laboratories known as VETLAB.

I also thank you for your contribution to the modernisation of the IAEA nuclear applications laboratories near Vienna.

This is making excellent progress. The new laboratories will greatly strengthen the support we are able to provide to our Member States for decades to come. 

I follow with interest the IAEA technical cooperation projects being implemented in Indonesia.

These cover many areas, including child nutrition; air pollution; producing radioisotopes for use in radiotherapy; rehabilitation of flooded farmland, and seafood safety.

Our work together on improving soyabean production and upgrading the small scale tempeh industry is of special interest. I am sure it will contribute to improving food security in your country – and I hope it will also make consumers happy!

I understand that a project team from BATAN is being considered for an award for Best Practices in the IAEA technical cooperation programme.  Congratulations!

Indonesia’s approach to promoting the use of nuclear techniques to end-users in the field of food and agriculture is exemplary.

Mr Minister,

Let me conclude by thanking you once again for your hospitality.

The IAEA looks forward to strengthening and deepening our cooperation with Indonesia in the coming decades.

Thank you.