Attorney General Sessions Will Travel To Tampa On Wednesday To Deliver Remarks On Efforts To Combat Drug Trafficking And End The Opioid Crisis

Source: United States Attorneys General

Headline: Attorney General Sessions Will Travel To Tampa On Wednesday To Deliver Remarks On Efforts To Combat Drug Trafficking And End The Opioid Crisis

Attorney General Jeff Sessions


Attorney General Jeff Sessions will deliver remarks on efforts to combat drug trafficking and end the opioid crisis. 


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

12:50 p.m. EST

U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida

Press Room (Check-in: 32nd floor // Press will be escorted up to 35th floor)

400 N. Tampa St. 

Tampa, FL 33602


(Final access and Camera Preset: 12:10 p.m. EST // Final access time for print media: 12:40 p.m. EST)  

NOTE:  All media must RSVP and present government-issued photo I.D. (such as a driver’s license) as well as valid media credentials.  The RSVP and any inquiries regarding logistics should be directed to Kelly Laco in the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 305-5219 or  Please RSVP with the email address of the person(s) attending the event, so that we may reach them directly if details change. Media may begin arriving at the USAO lobby on the 32nd floor at 11:45 a.m. for a security screen. ALL gear must be in place in the press room by 12:10 p.m. EST. Note–the AG will not be taking questions upon the conclusion of his remarks.