Justice Department Awards More Than $130 Million to Improve Public Safety, Address Violence Against Women and Victim Services for American Indian and Alaska Native People

Source: United States Department of Justice Criminal Division

Headline: Justice Department Awards More Than $130 Million to Improve Public Safety, Address Violence Against Women and Victim Services for American Indian and Alaska Native People

Awards Include Over $56.3 Million for Responses to Violence Against Women in Indian Country


Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand today announced more than $130 million in Department of Justice grants to combat violence against women, improve public safety, serve victims of crime, and support youth programs in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

“Supporting our tribal partners as they work to protect their communities remains fundamental to our mission at the Department of Justice,” said Brand. “These awards stand as a clear expression of our support for Native American women and tribal self-determination and reflect the vital role we believe American Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages play in ensuring the safety of all our citizens.”

Associate Attorney General Brand, the Department’s third ranking official, will make the announcement as part of her remarks during the Department’s participation in the 12th Annual Government-to-Government Violence Against Women Tribal Consultation on the reservation of the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation in Fountain Hills, Arizona. 

On Wednesday, Associate Attorney General Brand will visit a domestic violence shelter in the Gila River Indian Community. Gila River will receive two grant awards this year: one that supports the tribe’s implementation of special domestic violence jurisdiction under the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act and one to enhance the safety of rural victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.

More than $101 million was awarded to 125 American Indian tribes, Alaska Native villages, tribal consortia and tribal designees through the Department’s Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS), a streamlined application for tribal-specific grant programs.  Of the $101 million, $47.6 million comes from the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), $34.1 million from the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), and $19.4 million from the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).


The Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) awarded 101 grants totaling $56.3 million to tribal governments and nonprofit entities to help respond to the crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking and sex trafficking in Indian country.  Of the $56.3 million, $34.1 was awarded through the CTAS application process as noted above and $22.1 million was awarded through other OVW grant programs and special initiatives.

CTAS grants are designed to enhance law enforcement practices, expand victim services and sustain crime prevention and intervention efforts. Awards cover nine purpose areas: public safety and community policing; justice systems planning; alcohol and substance abuse; corrections and correctional alternatives; children’s justice act partnerships; services for victims of crime; violence against women; juvenile justice; and tribal youth programs.

American Indians and Alaska Natives experience disproportionate rates of violence and victimization and often encounter significant obstacles to culturally relevant services. CTAS funding helps tribes develop and strengthen their justice systems’ response to crime, while expanding services to meet their communities’ public safety needs.

Today’s announcement is part of the Justice Department’s ongoing initiative to increase engagement, coordination and action on public safety in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

 A listing of today’s CTAS awards is available at www.justice.gov/tribal/awards. Additional tribal grant awards announced by the Office on Violence Against Women and other department components are available at: www.justice.gov/ovw/page/file/1000416/download.